You can find the full source code for this website in the Seam package in the directory /examples/wiki. It is licensed under the LGPL.
Framework profiling is an important aspect of providing an enterprise ready application. This page describes the plans, procedures, and eventually results used in profiling the Seam framework. Most of the profiling will be done through existing Seam examples so it can also provide insight into how to profile your own application.
Tracking of current activities and issues will be through the Seam Jira page with references here as appropriate. TODO perm link to jira performance search.
This is a living document and will be updated as possible with more detailed information.
The first step of this profiling effort will revolve around deploying Seam 2.0.X example applications to JBoss AS 4.2.2. This will provide a baseline of functionality and will hopefully highlight any obvious issues. This will be done using different methods, but will include JProfiler, SeamTest, and JSFUnit where appropriate.
More to come
An analysis of the existing Seam examples will be made to identify gaps in functionality and community concerns. Where needed additional examples will be created that can help to isolate and focus on specific functionality.
More to come
More to come
More to come
Eventually appropriate aspects of performance profiling will be automated and added to the continuous integration builds. This will provide rapid feedback to users and contributers on changes in performance. Hopefully this will include build by build trending of changes in key performance metrics. At first this will likely be limited to JSF lifecycle timings on a few key integration tests.
More to come
More to come