
Built with Seam

You can find the full source code for this website in the Seam package in the directory /examples/wiki. It is licensed under the LGPL.

This page summarizes the volunteer roles held by members of the community by appointment/vote. These are 6 month terms, at which point candidates can nominate themselves or others and another vote will be held. A person can have multiple terms, as long as the community continues to support them in that role.

Community Integrator

This volunteer role is bestowed upon a leading member of the Seam community that is outside of the core team (preferably not JBoss core developer). The person in this position may be asked by any one of the module leads to merge in pull requests or even review and provide feedback on outstanding patches, for times when the module lead is too busy or unable to focus on the project. The community integrator is not expected to be familiar with every module, but should know the infrastructure well enough to integrate the code.

There are two reasons for having this role:

  1. keep the project moving during times when the core team is pulled away to work on urgent assignments, for instance to focus on productization or to participate in a conference
  2. serve as an independent voice to represent the community perspective, providing a balance of power

In the event that the core team blocks a feature that is in the best of the community, the community integrator has the option to make the case for the feature.

Current position holder

George Gastaldi

Forum Moderator (aka Forum Jedi)

This volunteer role is granted to an active participant in the Seam forums. The job is not intended to be time consuming, but it's certainly an important one. The person in this position monitors the forums on a regular basis (several times a week) to identify forum misconduct, recurring complaints and any other disruption in the force. The moderator has the authority to issue warnings to users that are abusing the forum policy.

In the case of a widespread complaint, the moderator should notify someone on the core team. For cases in which a solution is readily available, the moderator should point those users to that information.

The forum moderator is not expected to respond to every post or be a general problem solver. Rather, this person is making sure that the forum is in good health.

Current position holder

Jason Porter