
Built with Seam

You can find the full source code for this website in the Seam package in the directory /examples/wiki. It is licensed under the LGPL.

JBoss uses the JIRA issue tracking software to track bugs and feature requests for JBoss Community projects. In fact, you may often hear us refer to an issue report as a JIRA for this reason.

Please use your JBoss Community member account to access the JBoss JIRA website. If you do have a JBoss Community member account, you must first register.

Process for reporting an issue or feature request

When reporting an issue in one of the Seam 3 modules, please remember to try getting help from others first. Sometimes the error you're encountering is a bug, but to make sure, and to get a better response when reporting your issue, follow these steps first:

  1. Search for the issue on Google, and in the JIRA for your module.
  2. Ask for help in the forums (pending)
  3. Report the issue (see below)
  4. Submit a patch
  5. Submit a test case

Alternatively, if you found your issue in the tracker already, you may choose to:

  • Vote for it
  • Add a comment

When you vote for an issue, you will as be subscribed to notifications about changes to the issue.

Process for resolving an issue

Follow this process to resolve an issue:

  1. Fork the module to which the issue applies (if you haven't already)
  2. Create a local branch, naming it after the issue number (e.g., SEAMFACES-19)
  3. Make the necessary code changes (including tests and documentation if the change involves source code)
  4. Commit the code locally
  5. Push the branch to your fork using git push origin BRANCHNAME
  6. Open a pull request for the branch into the upstream master using the interface
  7. Mark the JIRA issue as resolved, adding a link to the pull request in the comment
  8. The integration manager will review the code on github and add feedback in the pull request, possibly requesting additional changes
  9. You may need to squash your commits into a single commit using rebase in interactive mode
  10. Once the changes are acceptable, the integration manager will merge the code into master (trunk) and mark the issue as closed

Seam 3 Modules: Find your JIRA

The link to the JIRA project for each Seam 3 module is linked from that module's page and in the table of Seam 3 modules, both listed on this page:

Use this template to give your issue the best possible chance of being honored:

In order to...,
as a...,
I would like...