
Built with Seam

You can find the full source code for this website in the Seam package in the directory /examples/wiki. It is licensed under the LGPL.

Seam3 is a collection of modules and developer tooling tailored for Java EE 6 application development, with CDI as the central piece.

Seam's mission is to provide a fully-integrated development platform for building rich, standards-based Internet applications tailored for traditional and cloud deployments.

The modules leverage portable CDI extensions to build on the core Java EE functionality, providing many of the popular features and integrations from Seam 2 (security, internationalization, JSF, rules, BPM) while also exploring new integrations and designs.

Developer tooling is provided by JBoss Tools and JBoss Forge. JBoss Tools enhances Eclipse with features designed to help developers write, test and deploy enterprise Java applications. JBoss Forge is an incremental project enhancement API and shell.

Project lead: Shane Bryzak
Community liaison: Dan Allen (about this role)
Team members (below) (additional community roles)

Active development of Seam 3 has been halted by Red Hat.

Many projects have moved over to Apache DeltaSpike , and others have been absorbed into different projects. Please see the below table for information about where the functionality from each module has gone and how you can participate.
Seam Project Where it's going
Solder Apache DeltaSpike
Seam Catch Apache DeltaSpike
Seam Config Apache Aries
Seam Cron TBD
Seam Drools Drools Project
Seam Faces Apache DeltaSpike and JSF 2.2
Seam Errai Errai
Seam International Apache DeltaSpike
Seam JCR ModeShape
Seam JMS JSR 343
Seam Mail cdi-mail
Seam Persistence Apache DeltaSpike and JTA 1.1
Seam Remoting Deprecated
Seam Reports TBD
Seam Rest RESTEasy
Seam Security PicketLink
Seam Servlet CDI 1.1
Seam Social Agorava
Seam Spring Proposed for Apache DeltaSpike
Seam Validation Bean Validation 1.1
Seam Wicket Apache Wicket
PDF and Spreadsheets TBD
Before diving in, get up to speed with the status and direction of Seam 3. Also be sure to check out the latest news at the bottom of the page.

Using Seam 3

Seam 3 design

Contributing to Seam 3

Related efforts

Got a suggestion to make this start page better? Is there a page we forgot? Please post your suggestion in the community forums.

The value of Seam 3 Portable Extensions

Portability is one of greatest advantages of Java Enterprise Edition. It represents the concept that from one application to another, from one application-server vendor to another, and from one job to another, knowledge is freely transferable; the same skills, technologies, and designs can be used with assurance that there are always multiple choices for business solutions.

Often times, in the world of open-source standards, we find ourselves solving similar problems in many places, sometimes leading to innovation, but frequently leading to frustration; this is where the world of portability takes on new meaning - with portable extensions from Seam.

Seam 3 designed as a set of Portable Extensions, usable on any Servlet container, application-server, or Java runtime; in a sense, learn once, run anywhere - the same promise that Java guarantees. Extensions include common features like custom web-application security, web-flow engines, internationalization and localization, simplified web-page development, and even mail templating or document generation - business needs that nearly every application developer must provide, but that nobody should need to re-invent.

Maintainers and contributors

Want your name to appear in this list? Join us in #seam-dev on freenode and become part of the team!
If your name should be on this list, but isn't, please let us know.

Name Role Association Commit username (Git) Hometown (Time zone)
Shane Bryzak Project lead, core developer Red Hat, Inc. sbryzak Brisbane, AU
Dan Allen Community liaison, core developer Red Hat, Inc. mojavelinux Laurel, MD, USA
Pete Muir Founder Red Hat, Inc. pmuir Edinburgh, Scotland
Lincoln Baxter, III Forge lead, core developer Red Hat, Inc. lincolnthree Philadelphia, PA, USA
John Ament Module lead (JCR), committer (JMS) - johnament Mt. Laurel, NJ, USA
Mike Brock Forge lead, module lead (GWT) Red Hat, Inc. mikebrock Toronto, Canada
Heiko Braun Module lead (GWT) Red Hat, Inc. braunh Munich, Germany
Stuart Douglas Module lead (solder, config, persistence) Red Hat, Inc. stuartwdouglas Sydney, AU
Ken Finnigan Module lead (international) - kenfinnigan Boston, MA, USA
Jordan Ganoff Module lead (JMS) Pentaho jganoff Orlando, FL, USA
George Gastaldi Module lead (JCR) - gastaldi Joinville, SC, Brazil
Jozef Hartinger Module lead (REST) Red Hat, Inc. jharting Brno, Czech Republic
Brian Leathem Module lead (faces) TRIUMF bleathem Vancouver, Canada
Cody Lerum Module lead (mail) - codylerum Bozeman, MT, USA
Gunnar Morling Module lead (validation) - gunnarmorling UTC+01
Clint Popetz Module lead (wicket) 42 Lines, Inc. cpopetz Urbana, IL, USA
Jason Porter Module lead (catch) Red Hat, Inc. lightguard Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Antoine Sabot-Durand Module lead (social) - antoinesd
Tihomir Surdilovic Module lead (drools) Red Hat, Inc. tsurdilo Atlanta, GA
Marcel Kolsteren Committer (security) Meandi ICT marcelk Utrecht, Netherlands
José Freitas Contributor (examples, international) - joserodolfofreitas -
Nicklas Karlsson Contributor (faces, servlet, solder) - nickarls Turku, Finland
Ove Ranheim Contributor (wicket) - oranheim Oslo, Norway
Amir Sadrinia Contributor (remoting) - Amir-Github AU
Mark Struberg Contributor (faces) Apache PMC struberg Vienna, Austria

The Seam 3 project is also supported, validated and polished by our excellent QE and EAP teams.